“Oh Bubbles, there’s always something wrong with you”

There’s a whole bunch of genuinely interesting stuff going on with smartphone text-based messaging lately. You’ve got stuff about interop, product design, protocols, encryption, “platform ecosystems”, vendor lock-in (good), vendor lock-in (derogatory), standards design, standards maintenance, features vs security tradeoffs, it’s quite the nexus of 21st century tech product design concerns.

However, there is also a doorbuster sale going on at the Hot Takes Outlettm.

So, I thought I would share my foolproof heuristic technique for deciding if an article is worth reading. Here is is:

If the article mentions the color of the bubbles on the iPhone in either the title or the first paragraph, it’s hot garbage.

Something about those bubbles cause otherwise sane people to become absolutely deranged.

“We want to have blue bubbles!”

“Well, sure, the good news is all you gotta do is buy an iPhone.”

“We don’t want to do that! Iphones suck!”

The sheer entitlement of folks to want someone to sell them something, but only on their terms. Like, no? You need to find something valuable to fill your life with.

There’s some really interesting points about encryption and security? But those people don’t lead with the bubble color.


Wednesday linkblog, Twitter reminisces edition


Doctor Who and the Giggle